Summers in the Deep South can be hot and humid. This region, sometimes called the 'Old Confederacy', is located to the north of the Gulf of Mexico and features a warm climate. The Deep South map includes Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, southern Tennessee, eastern Arkansas and Louisiana, and western Florida and South Carolina. Alaska Airlines' network focus continues to shift to its West Coast map with expanded service to Sa.Deep South States. The top of the salt in 148 of them is probably deeper than desirable for a waste repository site, and 79 of those that are shallow enough are probably unavailable for a site because of present use by industry for gas …Alaska Airlines continues to shift its network focus to its West Coast map with expanded service to San Luis Obispo in California next year. Produced by Jim Albritton | A video tour of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, including cities, casinos, ports, bays and hotels all along the .There are 263 known or suspected onshore salt domes in the Texas-Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama portion of the Gulf Coast geosyncline.